Jeremy & Tracey Footer first met in a crowded room in small town Vermont 18 years ago dreaming of traveling to distant lands and sharing adventures of a lifetime. Throughout the years together we have cultivated and want to share our passion for travel with others. Through discussions about the best way to provide detailed information on travel & adventure destinations, lottglobal.com was born.
A trail generally refers to a path leading to a destination. We at lottglobal.com believe a trail has several meanings and takes you in many directions. Although originally intended to provide information about select long distance hiking trails, lottglobal.com currently focuses on general travel recommendations. We feature countries such as India, Nepal, Switzerland in addition cities such as Amsterdam, New Orleans, & Bangkok. Future plans include providing travelers with detailed information about various Utah National Parks and Venice, Italy (coming soon). Our mission is to visit several towns and cities and trek numerous paths across the globe. We hope to continuously provide accurate & detailed information to help make your journey an adventure of a lifetime. If you have suggestions or wish to have more information about a particular destination, please contact us. Safe Travels & Bon Voyage, Jeremy & Tracey Footer |